Podcast - Niños e hipercolesterolemia familiar

Hipercolesterolemia familiar o HF. Es un trastorno hereditario que da lugar a una enfermedad cardiovascular agresiva y prematura. En pacientes con HF, las mutaciones genéticas hacen que el hígado sea incapaz de metabolizar (o eliminar) el exceso de LDL (el colesterol malo). Esto incluye problemas como ataques al corazón, derrames cerebrales e incluso estrechamiento de las válvulas cardíacas.  En esta serie de podcasts, aprenderemos realmente lo que es la HF, cómo manejarla y cómo afecta a los niños y las mujeres.

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Descripción del podcast

Este podcast, conducido por la fundadora y directora ejecutiva de la FH Foundation, Katherine Wilemon, junto con el cardiólogo pediátrico Samuel Gidding, trata todo lo que es necesario saber sobre la hipercolesterolemia familiar y los niños. Obtenga más información sobre cuándo realizar a su hijo la prueba de detección y qué hacer si su hijo recibe un diagnóstico de HF.

Biografías de los participantes del podcast

Katherine Wilemon

Katherine WilemonMs. Wilemon is the Founder and CEO of The FH Foundation. Her own journey to receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate care for Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH) urged her to devote her life to this cause. After being turned away from the ER several times and having a heart attack at 38, Ms. Wilemon set out to raise awareness of FH and save lives. Her goals are to reverse the shocking statistics and empower people with FH to have longer, healthier lives.

Dr. Samuel Gidding

Doctor Samuel GiddingDr. Gidding is retired but most recently served as division head of pediatric cardiology at Nemours Cardiac Center and A. I. DuPont Hospital for Children, and professor of pediatrics at Thomas Jefferson University. He is author of the AHA Scientific Statement: The Agenda for Familial Hypercholesterolemia. Dr. Gidding has practiced pediatric cardiology for over 30 years.

The FH Foundation is a patient-centered nonprofit organization, dedicated to research, advocacy, and education for all forms of Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH). Its mission is to raise awareness of FH and save lives by increasing the rate of early diagnosis and encouraging proactive treatment. If left untreated, this life-threatening genetic disorder leads to aggressive cardiovascular disease in men, women, and children of all races and ethnicities around the world. Learn more about The FH Foundation.